In the lower years of KS2 further work on bar charts and pictograms are done, and as the child progresses line graphs, time tables, and pie charts are introduced. Once a good grasp of these various graphs and charts has been full cemented; they must then solve more complex problems involving one or more graphs and bring in knowledge from other topics.

Graphs, charts, and tables they need to know:

bar charts
line graphs
time tables (e.g. time schedule at a train station)
pie charts

more complex problems usually introduced in the upper tier of KS2:

  1. interpret and represent discrete and continuous data… Discrete data can only take a certain value e.g. roll a dice 10 times you can only get a value between 1 and 6. Continuous data can take any value e.g. height can be 5 foot 3″ or 6 foot 2″ etc… so the data is not limited to a preset range.
  2. solve comparison problems represented as bar charts or other types of charts and graphs… This can be comparing two variables from the graph, or comparing results from two different graphs etc…
  3. utilise their knowledge of co-ordinates and scales to solve time table problems.


Please note this is not the full extent of everything that your child needs to know, but more of a summary.