Here you will find an overview of what a child needs to know at a KS1 level, the KS1 arks over the age range of 5-7 (years 1 and 2).
The child must be able to:
- Count forwards and backwards up to 100 as well as read and write them
- Read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in roman numerals
- Know how to use a number line as well as the symbols <, >, =
- Add and subtract numbers up to 20, this involves two digit sums and one digit sums
- Multiplication tables of 2,3,5,10
- Division by 2,3,5,10
- Fractions – half and a quarter, should be able to recognise these fractions in shapes, and numbers
- Must be able to count in 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s forwards and backwards
- Place value of tens and units
- Use <, >, = to order numbers up to 100
- Read and write numbers up to 100 in roman numerals and in words
- Add and subtract up to 20 quickly, and perform these operations up to 100
- Add up to 3 one-digit numbers
- Multiplication and division same as year 1, develop a deeper understanding of their relationship
- Utilise the following fractions: a third, a quarter, and a half, in order to split shapes and numbers. As well as writing a half in quarters (equivalent fractions).